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Autism Acceptance Month: Meet Spirited Sam

Sam Smith, better known as Spirited Sam, is a member of Spirit Club Foundation's board. He wrote the following reflection about autism:

"I am very proud to be a talented man. Autism is only a story about myself and about others and it does not affect us from having any talents, which e all have.

Everyone in this world is very talented. Everyone has things they are good at, including those with autism.

I am good at singing, running, ice hockey, making speeches, working out, and I have many, many other talents as well. I am currently a certified running coach for SPIRIT Club and I am teaching a music-based fitness class called Spirited Sam’s Spirited Jam. Everyone is welcome to join my class, just email

I feel I am very much a leader in the autism community and I can inspire the population to get out there and do the things meaningful for progress in life."

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